Report Tracking Landing Page

Welcome to the new Report Tracking Portal within the Executive Office of the Board of Supervisors. This new user-friendly system is now accessible internally to the Executive Office, Board Offices, and all County Departments. The system was designed to manage and track reports requested by the Board. This system generates automatic reminder notifications for upcoming and past due reports and features a Departmental Portal that will allow Departmental users to view detailed information for those reports assigned to their Department, the ability to upload reports and request extensions and closures. In turn, Board Office users will also be able to view and approve or deny such requests directly through the system. Additionally, the featured Dashboard will allow for more accessible search capabilities to generate customized reports, such as the number of open/closed reports, delinquent reports and submitted reports during a specific timeframe and much more!

Contact Us

Los Angeles Report Tracking
Office Board of Supervisors
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
500 West Temple Street, Room B-50
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-1400

External SignIn